Linux kernel N-day vulnerability analysis

Error403 ㅣ 2024. 1. 14. 15:24

표제 관련 연구/학습 중 필요 시 자주 참고하는 사이트를 정리해놓았습니다.



0. Basic information about specific vulnerability


- National Vulnerability Database


- Mitre


- CVE detail


- Syzbot - Missing backport


- Syzbot - Open


- Syzbot - Fixed


- Syzbot - Invaild


- Linux Kernel CVEs


- kernel dance, Add kernel commit ids up to the seventh one



1. N-Day Vulnerability analysis report (include mailing list)


- Project Zero blog, Ctrl+f: kernel


- ZeroDayInitiative blog, Search: Linux kernel


-, Search: exploitable, exploit, vulnerable, etc...


- OSS security, Ctrl+f: linux, linux kernel


- 0-Day report templete


- linux-kernel-exploitation


- linux-kernel-exploits


- kernel-exploit-factory


- STAR labs's CVEs


- And a lot of other researchers' publicly available analysis reports


- publicly available materials from Blackhat, USENIX, LPC, and others.



2. a little bit of tools (exclude Fuzzers, Sanitizers, Static analysis tools)


- kgdb


- like-dbg, Fully dockerized Linux kernel debugging environment


- pretty-printk, A more visible version of printk


- slabdbg


- libslub


- kernel_obj_finder


- A few other open source analytics tools, and personal tools...

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Linux kernel  (0) 2024.01.14